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Best Care EAP

9239 W. Center Road
Suite 201
Omaha, NE 68132
United States

Best Care EAP is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Workplace Wellness Solutions
Time: Dec 14, 2021 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 827 8833 9376
Passcode: 045328
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Meeting ID: 827 8833 9376
Passcode: 045328
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All times are CST. This is a FREE event.
HR INSIGHT SERIES: Quarterly lunch and learn session

This Month's Topic: Workplace Wellness Solutions

Presented by
Melinda Sorenson
Director of Workplace Wellbeing and Member Services, Wellbeing Partners

Many organizations miss the mark on providing their employees with real wellness solutions to not only help support their health and wellbeing (at home and at work), but also to create lasting cultural change. Melinda will walk through wellness tactics organizations have done really well, and those that have gone not so well.

This session will cover workplace wellbeing as it sits today, after a pandemic - what has shifted in flight, how we can respond today, and where we're going, together.

The Wellbeing Partners was formed in January 2020 through the merger of two historic nonprofits, Live Well Omaha and WELLCOM (The Wellness Council of the Midlands). With over 60 years of combined experience in public health across the community and workplace, the expertise of these two organizations lives on in The Wellbeing Partners’ mission to build wellbeing into the way communities grow and do business.

Registration for this event has closed.