
Facing Life’s Challenges: What does it mean to “push on through”?

Published: Jan. 2, 2025

Life is filled with challenges that can set you back or move you forward. For example, maybe it’s your first holiday after the loss of loved one. Your family is counting on you but all you want to do is stay in bed with the covers over your head. Or, maybe you’re an accountant working 60 or more hours a week during tax season, which means you consistently miss your daughter’s basketball games. In addition to the pressure at work, now you’re feeling stress because she’s upset. 

Know Your Behavior Patterns

How you manage challenges is unique to you. One approach is to be aware of your behavior patterns. Do you have default tendencies that may predict how you react? For instance, are you typically resistant or do you turn challenges into opportunities? Some people may be resistant to something but can persevere and find fulfillment in positive outcomes. Others may struggle to maintain momentum and give up after a short time.

No matter your tendencies, try these simple tactics to push through life’s challenges one day at a time:

  • Acknowledge your emotions. When you become aware of your feelings, you’re allowing yourself time to take control of your thoughts. Positive self-talk can help motivate you to take on the challenge.
  • Examine the risks. Journal a few sentences about the consequences that may ensue if you stay resistant. You may even decide it’s best to let go instead of pushing through.
  • Learn from the past. Was there a time when you successfully worked through a trying time? Think about what you did and apply the same strategies. Knowing you can do it again can boost your confidence.
  • Focus on small wins. Be sure to celebrate small achievements to maintain your positive mindset as you work challenges.
  • Reach out for help. If you still feel overwhelmed by your challenges, reach out to Best Care EAP. Our licensed counselors can provide guidance to help reframe your situation and share objective insights that can make a positive difference for you. Our counselors are here for your eligible dependents, too. To schedule an appointment, fill out the confidential   counseling registration form. If you have issues with the form, please call our office at (402) 354-8000 or (800) 801-4182.

Boost Your Well-being with Our Resources

Best Care EAP offers a variety of resources that boost your emotional and mental health. You can find a variety of self-help webinars and well-being articles in our Resource Hub.

About the Author

Lisa Dempsey serves on the Best Care Employee Assistance Program Sales and Marketing team as the coordinator of communications/promotions.

She works closely with clients to create promotional materials and helps generate content for the Best Care EAP website.

Dempsey enjoys learning about health topics, working collaboratively on projects, and being involved at events within the community.

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Lisa Dempsey