Showing 241-250 results of 329

Management Boot Camp

Our Boot Camps have been wildly successful and we're back for another year.Managing is one tough job! Best Care’s basic training boot camp provides everything a new manager or seasoned professional will need to survive in today’s ever-changing work environment. No matter what your level of experienc…

Conflict Resolution Academy

You know it happens! No one wants to deal with it - and everyone wants to avoid it. Conflicts at work! They can be destructive, affect morale, and create an unhealthy work environment.When conflicts are handled well, team communication, creativity and productivity soar. Handled poorly, chaos and dra…

Conflict Resolution Academy

You know it happens! No one wants to deal with it - and everyone wants to avoid it. Conflicts at work! They can be destructive, affect morale, and create an unhealthy work environment.When conflicts are handled well, team communication, creativity and productivity soar. Handled poorly, chaos and dra…

Management Boot Camp

Our Boot Camps have been wildly successful and we're back for another year.Managing is one tough job! Best Care’s basic training boot camp provides everything a new manager or seasoned professional will need to survive in today’s ever-changing work environment. No matter what your level of experienc…

Creating Calm: These Apps Can Help Address Anxiety in Kids and Teens

The world of apps can be overwhelming! There’s an app for seemingly everything – goal setting, recipe development, fitness tracking, and much, much more. And, thanks in part to the pandemic, apps for emotional wellness and managing anxiety are gaining popularity. At Best Care EAP, we’re often asked …

Can We Talk About Drug and Alcohol Use?

March 18-24 is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, an important health observance dedicated to encouraging conversations, promoting education and sharing resources about alcohol and drug use. Start a Conversation With FactsAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in 1…

Management Boot Camp

Our Boot Camps have been wildly successful and we're back for another year.Managing is one tough job! Best Care’s basic training boot camp provides everything a new manager or seasoned professional will need to survive in today’s ever-changing work environment. No matter what your level of experienc…

Take the Wheel: Personal Effectiveness Secrets for Leaders

BRAND NEW for 2024! A leader's personal effectiveness drives their success, defining the trajectory of their influence and impact. This hard-won quality empowers them to navigate challenges with grace and resilience, foster team cohesion and organizational growth, cultivate cultures of excellence an…

Multi-Day Virtual Training Programs

Best Care Learning Series are presented in an ongoing format consisting of 4-6 weekly sessions. If your organization contracts with Best Care for EAP services, the Learning Series are available at client-preferred rates.Four Week Series: The Influential Leader New for 2024, The Influential Leader Se…

A Self-Care Tip for Women

Self-Care Is for Everyone, but Women Especially Need to Pay Attention to Their Needs!Did you know: two in three people, in America, do not practice self-care and only 39% of men say they consistently make time for it, while 32% of women do. When you pay attention to your needs, you’re usually able t…