Showing 261-270 results of 336

No More Resolutions! Best Care EAP Offers a Fresh Approach

According to an article about the origins of New Year’s resolutions, “the ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. They also made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any object they had borrowed. These promises co…

Short-term Counseling

Licensed, Professional Counselors Who Are Ready to HelpIt’s more important than ever to have a variety of counseling options. At Best Care EAP, we offer a range of services so each member can quickly and easily find the solution that works best for their needs and preferences. Regardless of how memb…

Stress and Heart Disease: What's the Link?

February is American Heart Month – a perfect time to raise awareness of the effects of stress on heart health. You probably can’t go a whole day without using or hearing the phrase, “I’m stressed!” It’s used so often that you may not think stress can be damaging to your health. But it can be! In ong…

The Life-Changing Magic of Gratitude

We’re approaching the time of year marked by gatherings, traditions and celebrations among families and friends. The heartwarming nature of this season often inspires heartfelt expressions of gratitude.But don’t forget to count your blessings all year long, as research indicates that gratitude can p…

Alcohol Abuse - What You Should Know

Everything in Moderation. If you drink alcoholic beverages, please do so in moderation. Women: No more than one drink a day.Men:  No more than two drinks a day. 12 ounces of regular beer5 ounces of wine1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spiritsChildren & adolescentsThose of any age that cannot res…

2024 Training & Development Catalog

Best Care EAP professional development opportunities provide participants the chance to build on their existing skills and enhance the attributes which they’ve had all along, all in a collaborative, educational setting. Best Care EAP Consultants/Trainers have vast knowledge spanning from human resou…

Let's Explore Happy Places

Most likely, you’ve heard the term happy place. A “happy place” is somewhere you can retreat to and get away from the stress of day-to-day busyness. It’s a place that brings you peace.Happy places are different for everyone. For some, it’s a place that’s tranquil and may involve daydreaming, meditat…

Leaving Home for the First Time: Tips for Young Adults and Parents

 When young adults move away from home for the first time, it’s a big step.Whether it’s a student going to college or a young person entering the workforce, there are almost always adjustments to be made. And it’s not only the newly independent child who may struggle. Becoming an empty nester can al…

Relationships and Money

Money can be a source of friction in your relationship. Avoid issues early on by having a serious discussion about finances.Be honest about your current financial situation. If things have “gone south”, continuing on the same path or lifestyle is NOT realistic. Don’t approach the subject in the heat…